Trade Crypto on short-term volatility

Trade Crypto on short-term volatility

What is it:

It’s rather not about investing but could be useful for getting profit actively.  Trading is buying and selling cryptocurrency, the profit from which boils down to the usual resale: buy at a cheaper price and sell at a higher price. But here you will need constant control over the news, the rate of the cryptocurrency on the market, as well as over the economy as a whole.


Active investing strategy.


This strategy is used in short-term investment.


With an aggressive strategy, the investor’s task is to get the maximum profit in a short time on the rate jumps.

How to:

Let’s say the cryptocurrency market is awaiting the release of important news, and there are assumptions that after this the rate of the selected asset will sharply move in a certain direction. The investor makes a profit on the difference between the rates “before” and “after”.

When to use:

To successfully trade crypto assets, you will need to get some simple skills and knowledge. For example:

  • Be able to use quotes and various charts.
  • Conclude purchasing and selling deals at the right time.
  • Analyze trading history.
  • Understand the basic metrics of assets.
  • Track the sales of an asset.


It should be remembered that trading makes it possible to earn more and faster than classic investments, but it requires much more effort and knowledge. You will need to use technical analysis, which involves examining previous data on prices and trading volumes in order to try to predict future price movements. The data studied include candlestick charts and TA indicators such as moving averages and trend lines.

The disadvantage of an aggressive strategy is a high risk, as well as the fact that, in fact, this is not an investment, but speculation.

More info you can find in the Cryptocurrency Trading section.

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Source: CurrencyRate

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